Bulk Pick Up is Now On-Demand—and no longer THE first Wednesday of EVERY month!

While your regular trash and garbage collection is handled by private contractors, the City of Gaithersburg provides on-demand bulk refuse collection to single family homes and townhouses for large items, including heavy electrical appliances, furniture and other large household objects that private trash collectors will not accept.

Starting in September, 2020, the City of Gaithersburg is changing its bulk refuse collection program to make it more convenient for you, more efficient for City staff, and more thoughtful of the environment. You must now schedule an appointment to arrange for bulk pick up collection. There’s a limit of one per month, but it can be scheduled on any of your regular recycling days.

The City is happy to provide this service to you, and our goal is to recycle as much of what we collect as possible. However, reuse and repair are always preferred options. Before scheduling a bulk pick up, please consider alternatives to disposal. Montgomery County has an extensive list of donation options that can be explored here.

Complete details about this new program, including scheduling instructions and a list of what can and cannot be put out can be found on the City’s Bulk Pick Up webpage here. Questions? Contact the Department of Public Works at 301-258-6370.

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